How to Let Him Know You’re Interested without Saying a Word

It’s not what you say that will get you the man you want–it’s what you do that will make a world of difference. Fluency in body language is one of the keys to successful dating. Essentially, body language is an outward reflection of a person’s emotional state, and each gesture or movement functions as a valuable indicator to an emotion a person may be feeling.

Here’s how you can let your body speak volumes about your interest and attraction to your date:

Your Eyes

Our eyes are the most expressive part of our face, and the more eye contact you establish with your date, the better. Maintain as much eye contact with him as possible during a conversation. If the guy you’re interested in is a total stranger, you spotted at a party or public place, begin with short sidelong glances before making direct eye contact.

The moment he meets your gaze, lower your eyes and smile. This will give off the impression that you’ve been noticing him and are a little embarrassed that he caught you. In a few minutes, try to meet his gaze again–except this time, flash him a smile while looking into his eyes. He’ll most likely approach and start a conversation at this point.

Conversely, if you notice a man trying to catch your eye and you’re not interested, look away and don’t look back at his direction. If he attempts conversation, look around the room, or check out the people coming and going. Flickering eyes suggest disinterest or boredom, and the guy will get the hint if you keep it up.

Your Hands

Even without touching your date, your hands can convey powerful messages of attraction. To let him know that you want to get to know him, keep your hands unclenched and make open-palmed gestures throughout the conversation. Using your hands to caress objects like locks of your hair, the rim of your wine glass or the neckline of your top in a rhythmic, gentle manner looks sensual and suggests that you’re interested in more than just conversation. And if you’re feeling bold, try touching his shoulder to emphasize a point, or “accidentally” graze his hand when you reach for the salt.

What to avoid: finger tapping, wagging, pointing, keeping your hands in your pockets, or clenching them into tight fists. That is unless you want to be clear that you’re not interested! Hopefully, these tips gave you a good idea how to behave around your date or a guy you’re eyeing.

Some other helpful body language tips you might want to consider:

  • Chain-smoking or drinking too fast too soon will not put you in the best position to use body language
  • If touching him does not work, end the body language game.
  • You know things are going your way when he begins to “mirror” your gestures unconsciously.